Home TravelTopicsAnimals Tears of happiness: husky ride in Finnish Lapland

Tears of happiness: husky ride in Finnish Lapland

by Elisa Flitter Fever
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Going on a husky sledge ride through the magical winter wonderland landscape near Levi, Finnish Lapland, was a dream come true. Seeing the husky dogs in their own natural habitat was actually one of the main reasons why I wanted to visit this area. It is obvious to see that this is what these dogs enjoy a lot. This husky ride in Lapland even made me emotional.

Husky sleigh ride in the snow Finnish Lapland
Husky sleigh ride in the snow Finnish Lapland

I love travel. And I love animals, especially dogs. Great to combine both! Having a dog of my own is not really an option right now due to my intense traveling and busy job. Nevertheless I grab my chances cuddling other people’s dogs on any occasion basically. There is a reason why I dedicate my professional life to these furry creatures.

Dreams come true

As soon as I saw the opportunity to go to Finnish Lapland, I booked this husky ride. I was dreaming about this for years! I am not a bit winter sports fan but this I really wanted to experience. Husky dogs are gorgeous and seeing them all enthusiastic to be able to do what they are trained to do, and obviously love to do, is great. Dreams come true.

I actually try to always include some sort of animal related activity in my trips, most often horse riding. Or snorkeling with manta rays near Bali for example. All very cool, but this one with the huskies through the snow was super special to me. Butterflies in my tummy when we got there! So excited about this husky ride in Lapland. Wow, finally it is happening.

Wooden cabin in the snow at Ramis Finnish Lapland
Am I in doggy heaven

Ramiā€™s near Levi

After looking at several farms in the KittilƤ area of Finnish Lapland near Levi, I decided to go for Rami’s. Excellent reputation, reasonably priced and obviously popular. When I booked mid-October it was the last spot available in the week after NYE! The dogs work only during the week, their weekends are “off”. After my reservation request by email, confirmation came quickly and clearly: we were going! Yeah!!

The ride to the farm is already a mixture of a fairy-tale and adventure. At the end of December the sun does not rise above the horizon in this part of Finland. Driving through this landscape felt magical, with everything around you covered in thick layers of snow and this special semi-daylight. While dreamily driving, we initially missed the exit off the 80 road. Shit! The fact that the sign was covered in snow did not help eitherā€¦ Oh well, thank God for Google Maps.

husky sleigh ride Kittila Finnish lapland
Husky dogs ready to pull the sledge in Finnish Lapland

Upon arrival

Burning flares, cute wooden cabins with fur, the sound of barking and howling dogs – is this heaven or earth? There are at least a hundred dogs at Ramiā€™s, mostly Siberian huskies, who are very well treated and obviously love what they do. The dogs are very excited before the trip starts. Never knew how many decibels a group of dogs can produce together, wow! Don’t be scared, huskies have a friendly nature.

We entered one of the cabins, a pleasant warm fire was burning. Rami came in and checked our clothes for the weather condition that day. It’s essential to have the right, Lapland-proof outfit! I received an extra pair of socks and boyfriend Tom was friendly yet firmly asked to put on a special winter overall. Rami determined his jacket was too thin.

We were so thankful during the ride later on! After a few hours outside with temperatures of ā€œjustā€ around -5 degrees Celsius, my toes were starting to feel pretty damn cold. Imagine how they must have felt if I did not get that extra pair of woolen socks!

Let the fun begin!

Three other couples joined our group and we got a short instruction on what to do and what not to do. Each sledge has about six dogs in front, which are put together and prepared by the co-workers. What a job! The sledge has a fleece blanket and a piece of fur for your convenience. Otherwise your bum with turn into an ice cold Popsicle!

One person sits down on the sledge, the other person stands at the back of the sledge. At the back you must use your body to steer the sledge and push the break with your foot to stop and control the dogs. You also need to step off and help the dogs push the sledge up a hill, especially when the temperatures are not so low and snow gets a bit sump and deeper. You can switch positions half way.

When we drove off with the dogs, tears shot in my eyes. Goose bumps. An overwhelming feeling of joy and happiness.


Rami’s is actually the only husky farm holding a license that allows safaris into the Yllas-Pallas National Park. The park is extremely beautiful, almost unreal, like a white moon landscape with trees fully covered in snow. What an experience! Really a dream came true.

In the middle of the park, about half way the trip, Rami made a fire between the trees. Lunch time with grilled sausages, warm berry juice and Finnish style sandwich. Rami is a very kind man with lots of expertise and experience. You can ask him anything you want. During the ride, Rami leads the group by riding in front yet taking care of everyone – people and the dogs. An excellent guide you can trust.

Arrival at our lunch spot in the middle of the snowed forest in Finnish Lapland
Making fire for lunch in the snow

Game over

Half a day later (23 km) we arrived back at the farm. Half frozen and a bit sad that the ride was over, yet so grateful. We loved every second of it and really feel privileged to be able to have this wonderful experience.

After the dogs got their snack, there is an opportunity to take photos. This may sound easier than it is in reality. Dogs do not care about selfies. Maybe I shouldn’t either. But they look just so damn cute!

Some practicalities

Don’t want to miss any of the fun? Be smart and take my advice.

  • Book early! As mentioned before, Ramiā€™s Huskies is popular and quickly fully booked.
  • Better confirm participation by SMS after you arrive in KittilƤ area, or as instructed, otherwise you risk losing your reservation for the husky ride of your life in Lapland.
  • Put on warm winter sports clothing and at least two pairs of socks. Believe me, you will get cold, especially when you sit still! Check out this particular article full of Lapland outfit tips.
  • Use Google Maps to find the right exit and entrance. Ramiā€™s Huskies is in there.
  • Payment: you can pay both with cash or credit card. For current prices check Ramiā€™s website.
Dog cuddling
Sitting by the fire at Ramis husky farm

More fun in the snow

There are opportunities to go on a multi-day trip with huskies, traveling from hut to hut. Not in KittilƤ area as far as I know, but elsewhere in Finnish Lapland for sure. Physically not so easy; lots of standing up, cold, wind, etc. but definitely a once-in-a-life-time experience.

Did you check out my earlier blog post about taking a ride with reindeer Tornado yet?! Also so much fun!

Ramis Huskies sign near Kittila Finnish lapland
Cute dogs waiting at the farm

I hope you found this article useful. Have you ever been to Finish Lapland? Would you like to make a husky ride through the snow? Please feel free to leave a comment or question below.

Interested to read more articles about Finnish Lapland? Check out the Lapland Blog Archive.

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Last Updated on 01/13/2024 by Elisa Flitter Fever

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1 comment

Dawood 01/31/2024 - 11:39

I have read your article this article is excellent and engaging. The content you have written is very helpful and you have provided many opportunities for going on multi-day trips with huskies. It’s not easy to say “goodbye” to a furry friend.

I also have a Husky Dog named ā€œJakeā€ I have been cradling huskies for 9 years. I have experienced many trips of huskies to Lapland. Thatā€™s why I have started a blog on the life of huskies their life. I am giving the experienced knowledge to the husky owners to avoid the problems I have faced.

If you approve my comment I shall be Thankful to you for this goodwill,

Thank You

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